Respondent API

Unlock access to Respondent’s pool of 3 million+ quality research participants in 150+ countries with our fast, reliable API – all from within your platform.

API Partner Reviews

Rated 4.6 out of 200+ reviews on

Ned Dwyer
Ned Dwyer

Co-Founder & CEO, Great Question

The feedback from customers has been awesome. Our customers love being able to recruit their customers and non-customers as part of the same study.

Anshul Divakar
Anshul Divakar

Co-Founder & CEO, GetCurious

The Respondent API is one of our best recent investments. Our customers now have access to a global panel of survey participants - and they are happy about its speed and depth.

Brian Byun

Founder, Hubble

Your API is the most robust. There's more focus on North America and the B2B pool is much broader. For any company that is trying to create a participant integration, Respondent is cream of the crop.

Trusted API Partners

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The Respondent API Advantage

Quality Participants For All Methodologies

Programmatically recruit high-quality participants for any research methodology, spanning qualitative and quantitive research.

One API, all methodologies

Benchmark Studies
Focus Groups
Diary Studies
Contextual Inquiry
Ethnographic Studies
Remote Usability Testing
A/B Testing
In-depth Interviews
Concept Testing
Field Studies
Card Sorting
Customer Feedback
Desirability Studies
Tree Testing
Participatory Design
participant show rate
median time to first match
1.5 days
average project fill
Fast and Reliable Participant Supply

Speed up research for your customers by tapping into a reliable supply of participants with advanced B2B and B2C targeting options from a diverse panel.

Connect with Ease

Leverage our rich API to integrate quickly, backed by developer-friendly API documentation and priority support. Get authenticated and start building today.

Go to market support

Our marketing team provides templates, resources and advice on how to take your new participant recruitment API to market. As an API Partner we'll introduce our 4,000 active research customers to your platform.

API Features


Secure access to trusted API partners with fire-walling of sensitive data.

Project Creation

Create research projects on Respondent from your interface.


Review applicants from our panel and invite those that fit researcher needs.


Authorize incentive payment; Respondent handles actual payments.


Communicate with applicants from the panel before and during the study.

How we recruit

1. Matching

Your targeting filters + the Respondent panel + our proprietary matching algorithm = a slate of great candidates for research.

2. Referrals

Respondent pays a top-up incentive for referrals to projects. This way, your project reaches far beyond just our panel members. 

3. Boosts

Our recruitment team works on select projects with niche requirements. Boost campaigns find participants where they hang out.


Who is the Respondent API meant for?
What is the pricing for participants recruited through the API integration?
Who pays participants recruited through the API integration?
How long does it take to integrate the API?
More questions?

Get started as a Respondent API Partner

Embed access to 3M+ verified participants in your research platform. B2B and B2C research across 150+ countries.